Papers I Read Notes and Summaries

Contrastive Learning of Structured World Models


  • The paper introduces Contrastively-trained Structured World Models (C-SWMs).

  • These models use a contrastive approach for learning representations in environments with compositional structure.

  • Link to the paper

  • Link to the code.


  • The training data is in the form of an experience buffer \(B = \{(s_t, a_t, s_{t+1})\}_{t=1}^T\) of state transition tuples.

  • The goal is to learn:

    • an encoder \(E\) that maps the observed states $s_t$ (pixel state observations) to latent state $z_t$.

    • a transition model \(T\) that predicts the dynamics in the hidden state.

  • The model defines the enegry of a tuple \((s_t, a_t, s_{t+1})\) as \(H = d(z_t + T(z_t, a_t), z_{t+1})\).

  • The model has an inductive bias for modeling the effect of action as translation in the abstract state space.

  • An extra hinge-loss term is added: \(max(0, \gamma - d(z^{~}_{t}, z_{t+1}))\) where \(z^{~}_{t} = E(s^{~}_{t})\) is a corrputed latent state corresponding to a randomly sampled state \(s^{~}_{t}\).

Object-Oriented State Factorization

  • The goal is to learn object-oriented representations where each state embedding is structured as a set of objects.

  • Assuming the number of object slots to be \(K\), the latent space, and the action space can be factored into \(K\) independent latent spaces (\(Z_1 \times ... \times Z_K\)) and action spaces (\(A_1 \times ... \times A_k\)) respectively.

  • There are K CNN-based object extractors and an MLP-based object encoder.

  • The actions are represented as one-hot vectors.

  • A fully connected graph is induced over K objects (representations) and the transition function is modeled as a Graph Neural Network (GNN) over this graph.

  • The transition function produces the change in the latent state representation of each object.

  • The factorization can be taken into account in the loss function by summing over the loss corresponding to each object.


  • Grid World Environments - 2D shapes, 3D blocks

  • Atari games - Pong and Space Invaders

  • 3-body physics simulation


  • Random policy is used to collect the training data.

  • Evaluation is performed in the latent space (no reconstruction in the pixel space) using ranking metrics. The observations (to compare against) are randomly sampled from the buffer.

  • Baselines - auto-encoder based World Models and Physics as Inverse Graphics model.


  • In the grid-world environments, C-SWM models the latent dynamics almost perfectly.

  • Removing either the state factorization or the GNN transition model hurts the performance.

  • C-SWM performs well on Atari as well but the results tend to have high variance.

  • The optimal values of $K$ should be obtained by hyperparameter tuning.

  • For the 3-body physics tasks, both the baselines and proposed models work quite well.

  • Interestingly, the paper has a section on limitations:

    • The object extractor module can not disambiguate between multiple instances of the same object (in a scene).

    • The current formulation of C-SWM can only be used with deterministic environments.