Papers I Read Notes and Summaries

Design patterns for container-based distributed systems


  • The paper describes three design patterns for container-based distributed systems: single-container pattern, single-node pattern, and multi-node pattern.
  • Link to the paper

Single-container management patterns

  • Traditionally, containers have exposed three functions: run, pause and stop.
  • A richer API can be implemented to provide fine-grained control to system developers and operators.
  • Similarly, much more application information (including monitoring metrics) can be exposed.
  • The container interface can be used to define a contract for a complex lifecycle. For example, instead of arbitrarily shutting down the container, the system could signal that it will be terminated, giving the container some time to perform some cleanup/follow-up actions.

Single-node, multi-container pattern

Sidecar pattern

  • Multiple containers extend and enhance the main container.
  • For example, a web-server serves from the local disk (main container) while a side container updates the data.
  • Benefits:
    • independent development, deployment, and scaling of containers
    • possibility of combining different type of containers
    • failure containment boundary, i.e., one failing container, need not bring down the entire system.

Ambassador pattern

  • Proxy communication to and from the main container with the ambassador hiding the complexities of communication with a distributed (multi-shard system) that may be written in a different language.

Adapter pattern

  • Standardize output and interfaces across the containers to provide a simple, homogenized view to external applications.
  • A common example is using a single tool for collecting/processing metrics from multiple applications.
  • This is different from the adapter pattern, which aims to provide a simplified view of the external world to an application.

Multi-node application patterns

Leader election pattern

  • In a sharded (or replication-based) system, the system may have to elect a leader (or multiple leaders) among the replicas (or shards).
  • Instead of using a leader election library, a leader election container can be used (that communicates with other containers over, say, HTTP). This removes the restriction of using a leader election library compatible with the containers (e.g., using the same language).

Work queue pattern

  • A work coordinator container can queue different containers, each of which may have a different implementation or dependencies, thus removing the restriction that all the works use the same runtime.

Scatter/gather pattern

  • An external client sends a request to a root container.
  • This container fans out the request to many containers that may perform the computation in parallel.
  • The root container gathers these parallel computations’ results and aggregates them into a response to the external client.