Papers I Read Notes and Summaries

GPipe - Easy Scaling with Micro-Batch Pipeline Parallelism


  • The paper introduces GPipe, a pipeline parallelism library for scaling networks that can be expressed as a sequence of layers.

  • Link to the paper


  • Consider training a deep neural network with L layers using K accelerators (say GPUs).

  • Each of the ith layer has its forward function fi, backward function bi, weights wi and a cost ci (say the memory footprint or computational time).

  • GPipe partitions this network into K cells and places the ith cell on the ith accelerator. Output from the ith accelerator is passed to the i+1th accelerator as input.

  • During the forward pass, the input batch (of size N) is divided into M equal micro-batches. These micro-batches are pipelined through the K accelerators one after another.

  • During the backward pass, gradients are computed for each micro-batch. The gradients are accumulated and applied at the end of each minibatch.

  • In batch normalization, the statistics are computed over each micro-batch (used during training) and mini-batch (used during evaluation).

  • Micro-batching improves over the naive mode parallelism approach by reducing the underutilization of resources (due to the network’s sequential dependencies).

Performance Optimization

  • GPipe supports re-materialization (or checkpointing), i.e., during the forward pass, only the output activations (at partition boundaries) are stored.

  • During backward pass, the forward function is recomputed at each accelerator. This trades off the memory requirement with increased time.

  • One potential downside is that partitioning can introduce some idle time per accelerator (referred to as the bubble overhead). However, with a sufficiently large number of micro-batches ( more than 4 times the number of partitions), the bubble overhead is negligible.

Performance Analysis

  • Two different types of model architectures are compared: AmoebaNet convolutional model and Transformer sequence-to-sequence model.

  • For AmoebaNet, the size of the largest trainable model (on a single 8GB Cloud TPU v2) increases from 82M to 318M. Further, a 1.8 billion parameter model can be trained on 8 accelerators (25x improvement in size using GPipe).

  • For transformers, GPipe scales the model size to 83.9 B parameters with 128 partitions (298x improvement in size compared to a single accelerator).

  • Since the computation is evenly distributed across transformer layers, the training throughput scales almost linearly with the number of devices.

  • Quantitative experiments on ImageNet and multilingual machine translation show that models can be effectively trained using GPipe.