Gradient Surgery for Multi-Task Learning
06 Aug 2020-
The paper hypothesizes that main optimization challenges in multi-task learning arise because of negative interference between different tasks’ gradients.
It hypothesizes that negative interference happens when:
The gradients are conflicting (i.e., have a negative cosine similarity).
The gradients coincide with high positive curvature.
The difference in gradient magnitude is quite large.
The paper proses to work around this problem by performing “gradient surgery.”
If two gradients are conflicting, modify the gradients by projecting each onto the other’s normal plane.
This modification is equivalent to removing the conflicting component of the gradient.
This approach is referred to as projecting conflicting gradients (PCGrad).
Theoretical Analysis
The paper proves the local conditions under which PCGrad improves multi-task gradient descent in the two-task setup.
The conditions are:
Angle between the task gradients is not too small.
Difference in the magnitude of the gradients is sufficiently large.
Curvature of the multi-task gradient is large.
Large enough learning rate.
Experimental Setup
Multi-task supervised learning
MutliMNIST, Multi-task CIFAR100, NYUv2.
For Multi-task CIFAR-100, PCGrad is used with the shared parameters of the routing networks.
For NYUv2, PCGrad is combined with MTAN.
In all the cases, using PCGrad improves the performance.
Multi-task Reinforcement Learning
Meta-World Benchmark
PCGrad + SAC outperforms all other baselines.
In the context of SAC, the paper suggests learning temperature $\alpha$ on a per-task basis.
Goal-conditioned Reinforcement Learning
Goal-conditioned robotic pushing task with a Sawyer robot.
PCGrad + SAC outperforms vanilla SAC.