Papers I Read Notes and Summaries

Making the V in VQA Matter - Elevating the Role of Image Understanding in Visual Question Answering

Problem Statement

  • Standard VQA models benefit from the inherent bias in the structure of the world and the language of the question.
  • For example, if the question starts with “Do you see a …”, it is more likely to be “yes” than “no”.
  • To truly assess the capability of any VQA system, we need to have evaluation tasks that require the use of both the visual and the language modality.
  • The authors present a balanced version of VQA dataset where each question in the dataset is associated with a pair of similar images such that the same question would give different answers on the two images.
  • The proposed data collection procedure enables the authors to develop a novel interpretable model which, given an image and a question, identifies an image that is similar to the original image but has a different answer to the same question thereby building trust for the system.
  • Link to the paper

Dataset Collection

  • Given an (image, question, answer) triplet (I, Q, A) from the VQA dataset, a human worker (on AMT) is asked to identify an image I’ which is similar to I but for which the answer to question Q is A’ (different from A).
  • To facilitate the search for I’, the worker is shown 24 nearest-neighbor images of I (based on VGGNet features) and is asked to choose the most similar image to I, for which Q makes sense and answer for Q is different than A. In case none of the 24 images qualifies, the worker may select “not possible”.
  • In the second round, the workers were asked to answer Q for I’.
  • This 2-stage protocol results in a significantly more balanced dataset than the previous dataset.


  • State-of-the-art models trained on unbalanced VQA dataset perform significantly worse on the new, balanced dataset indicating that those models benefitted from the language bias in the older dataset.
  • Training on balanced dataset improves performance on the unbalanced dataset.
  • Further, the VQA model, trained on the balanced dataset, learns to differentiate between otherwise similar images.

Counter-example Explanations

  • Given an image and a question, the model not only answers the question, it also provides an image (from the k nearest neighbours of I, based on VGGNet features) which is similar to the input image but for which the model would have given different answer for the same image.
  • Supervising signal is provided by the data collection procedure where humans pick the image I’ from the same set of candidate images.
  • For each image in the candidate set, compute the inner product of question-image embedding and answer embedding.
  • The K inner product values are passed through a fully connected layer to generate K scores.
  • Trained with pairwise hinge ranking loss so that the score of the human picked image is higher than the score of all other images by a margin of M (hyperparameter).
  • The proposed explanation model achieves a recall@5 of 43.49%