Papers I Read Notes and Summaries

Relational Reinforcement Learning


  • Relational Reinforcement Learning (RRL) paradigm uses relational state (and action) space and policy representation to leverage the generalization capability of relational learning for reinforcement learning.

  • The paper shows that effectiveness of RRL - in terms of generalization, sample efficiency and interplay - using box-world and StarCraft II minigames.

  • Link to the paper.


  • The main idea is to use neural network models that operate on structured representations and perform relational reasoning via iterated, message-passing style methods.

  • Use of non-local computations using a shared function (in terms of pairwise interactions between entities) provides a better inductive bias.

  • Multi-head dot product attention mechanism is used to model the pairwise interactions (with one or more attention blocks).

  • Iterative computations can be used to capture higher-order interactions between entities.

  • Entity extraction is based on the assumption that entities are things located at a particular point in space.

  • A CNN is used to parse the pixel space observation into k feature maps of size nxn. The (x, y) coordinates are concatenated to each k-dimensional pixel feature-vector to indicate the pixel’s position in the map.

  • The resulting n2 x k matrix acts as the entity matrix.

  • Actor-critic architecture (using distributed agent IMPALA) is used.



  • 12 x 12-pixel room with keys and boxes placed randomly.

  • Agent can move in 4 directions.

  • The task is to collect gems by unlocking boxes (which may contain keys to unlock other boxes).

  • Each level has a unique sequence in which boxes need to be opened as opening the wrong box could make the level unsolvable.

  • Difficulty of a level can be controlled using: (i) Number of boxes in the path to the goal. (ii) The number of distractor branches, (iii) Length of distractor branches.

StarCraft II minigames

  • 9 mini games designed as specific scenarios in the Starcraft game are used.



  • RRL agents solve over 98% of the levels while the RL agent solves less than 95% of the levels.

  • Visualising the attention scores indicate that:

    • keys attend to locks they can unlock.

    • all objects attend to agent’s location.

    • agent and gem attend to each other (and themselves).

  • Generalization capacity is tested in two ways:

    • Performance on levels that require opening a larger sequence of boxes than it is trained on.

    • Performance on levels that require key-lock combinations not seen during training.

  • In both the scenarios, the RRL agent significantly outperforms the RL agent.


  • RLL agent achieves better or equal results that the RL agent in all but one game.

  • For testing generalization, the agent, that was trained for controlling two marines, was transferred on the task which requires it to control 5 marines. These results are not conclusive given the high variability.