VQA-Visual Question Answering
27 Apr 2017Problem Statement
Given an image and a free-form, open-ended, natural language question (about the image), produce the answer for the image.
VQA Challenge and Workshop
- The authors organise an annual challenge and workshop to discuss the state-of-the-art methods and best practices in this domain.
- Interestingly, the second version is starting on 27th April 2017 (today).
Benefits over tasks like image captioning:
- Simple, n-gram statistics based methods are not sufficient.
- Requires the system to blend in different aspects of knowledge - object detection, activity recognition, commonsense reasoning etc.
- Since only short answers are expected, evaluation is easier.
- Created a new dataset of 50000 realistic, abstract images.
- Used AMT to crowdsource the task of collecting questions and answers for MS COCO dataset (>200K images) and abstract images.
- Three questions per image and ten answers per question (along with their confidence) were collected.
- The entire dataset contains over 760K questions and 10M answers.
- The authors also performed an exhaustive analysis of the dataset to establish its diversity and to explore how the content of these question-answers differ from that of standard image captioning datasets.
Highlights of data collection methodology
- Emphasis on questions that require an image, and not just common sense, to be answered correctly.
- Workers were shown previous questions when writing new questions to increase diversity.
- Answers collected from multiple users to account for discrepancies in answers by humans.
- Two modalities supported:
- Open-ended - produce the answer
- multiple-choice - select from a set of options provided (18 options comprising of popular, plausible, random and ofc correct answer)
Highlights from data analysis
- Most questions range from four to ten words while answers range from one to three words.
- Around 40% questions are “yes/no” questions.
- Significant (>80%) inter-human agreement for answers.
- The authors performed a study where human evaluators were asked to answer the questions without looking at the images.
- Further, they performed a study where evaluators were asked to label if a question could be answered using common sense and what was the youngest age group, they felt, could answer the question.
- The idea was to establish that a sufficient number of questions in the dataset required more than just common sense to answer.
Baseline Models
- random selection
- prior (“yes”) - always answer as yes.
- per Q-type prior - pick the most popular answer per question type.
- nearest neighbor - find the k nearest neighbors for the given (image, question) pair.
2-channel model (using vision and language models) followed by softmax over (K = 1000) most frequent answers.
- Image Channel
- I - Used last hidden layer of VGGNet to obtain 4096-dim image embedding.
- norm I - : l2 normalized version of I.
- Question Channel
- BoW Q - Bag-of-Words representation for the questions using the top 1000 words plus the top 1- first, second and third words of the questions.
- LSTM Q - Each word is encoded into 300-dim vectors using fully connected + tanh non-linearity. These embeddings are fed to an LSTM to obtain 1024d-dim embedding.
- Deeper LSTM Q - Same as LSTM Q but uses two hidden layers to obtain 2048-dim embedding.
- Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) - Combine image and question embeddings to obtain a single embedding.
- BoW Q + I method - concatenate BoW Q and I embeddings.
- LSTM Q + I, deeper LSTM Q + norm I methods - image embedding transformed to 1024-dim using a FC layer and tanh non-linearity followed by element-wise multiplication of image and question vectors.
- Pass combined embedding to an MLP - FC neural network with 2 hidden layers (1000 neurons and 0.5 dropout) with tanh, followed by softmax.
- Cross-entropy loss with VGGNet parameters frozen.
- Deeper LSTM Q + norm I is the best model with 58.16% accuracy on open-ended dataset and 63.09% on multiple-choice but far behind the human evaluators (>80% and >90% respectively).
- The best model performs well for answers involving common visual objects but performs poorly for answers involving counts.
- Vision only model performs even worse than the model which always produces “yes” as the answer.