Your Classifier is Secretly an Energy Based Model and You Should Treat it Like One
06 Feb 2020Introduction
The paper proposed a framework for joint modeling of labels and data by interpreting a discriminative classifier p(y|x) as an energy-based model p(x, y).
Joint modeling provides benefits like improved calibration (i.e., the predictive confidence should align with the miss classification rate), robustness, and out of order distribution.
Consider a standard classifier $f_{\theta}(x)$ which produces a k-dimensional vector of logits.
$p_{\theta}(y | x) = softmax(f_{\theta}(x)[y])$
Uisng concepts from energy based models, we write $p_{\theta}(x, y) = \frac{exp(-E_{\theta}(x, y))}{Z_{\theta}}$ where $E_{\theta}(x, y) = -f_{\theta}(x)[y]$
$p_{\theta}(x) = \sum_{y}{ \frac{exp(-E_{\theta}(x, y))}{Z_{\theta}}}$
$E_{\theta}(x) = -LogSumExp_y(f_{\theta}(x)[y])$
Note that in the standard discriminative setup, shiting the logits $f_{\theta}(x)$ does not affect the model but it affects $p_{\theta}(x)$.
Computing $p_{\theta}(y | x)$ using $p_{\theta}(x, y)$ and $p_{\theta}(x)$ gives back the same softmax parameterization as before.
This reinterpreted classifier is referred to as a Joint Energy-based Model (JEM).
The log-liklihood of the data can be factoized as $log p_{\theta}(x, y) = log p_{\theta}(x) + log p_{\theta}(y | x)$.
The second factor can be trained using the standard CE loss. In contrast, the first factor can be trained using a sampler based on Stochastic Gradient Langevin Dynamics.
Hybrid Modelling
Datasets: CIFAR10, CIFAR100, SVHN.
Metrics: Inception Score, Frechet Inception Distance
JEM outperforms generative, discriminative, and hybrid models on both generative and discriminative tasks.
A calibrated classifier is the one where the predictive confidence aligns with the misclassification rate.
Dataset: CIFAR100
JEM improves calibration while retaining high accuracy.
Out of Distribution (OOD) Detection
One way to detect OOD samples is to learn a density model that assigns a higher likelihood to in-distribution examples and lower likelihood to out of distribution examples.
JEM consistently assigns a higher likelihood to in-distribution examples.
The paper also proposes an alternate metric called approximate mass to detect OOD examples.
The intuition is that a point could have likelihood but be impossible to sample because its surroundings have a very low density.
On the other hand, the in-distribution data points would lie in a region of high probability mass.
Hence the norm of the gradient of log density could provide a useful signal to detect OOD examples.
- JEM is more robust to adversarial attacks as compared to discriminative classifiers.